all want to have a productive day. We strive hard in figuring out our
interests and potential and learn to manage that precious commodity,
time. We set goals and develop strategies to accomplish them.
Now, the point to ponder is, are these “goals” really aimed at gaining the Pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (glorified is He)?
goals should we set for ourselves to achieve in a day that are aimed at
gaining the pleasure of Allah (swt) and inching closer to Jannah (Paradise) insha’Allah (God willingly)?
Subhan’Allah (glory to God)!! Allah (swt)—the Supreme Being—gives us the answer in 7 short
ayahs (verses of the Qur’an) very aptly titled –
“Al Fatiha—The Opening.”
Here goes:–
- Say Bismillah before beginning a task—In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful:Start each task with the name of Allah (swt). It increases barakah (blessings). Say Bismillah before eating, starting something new, entering the house etc.
- Thank Allah (swt) often—[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds:
A true believer is grateful in all circumstances. Look around you and
acknowledge the blessings of Allah (swt) and thank Him for them each
day. This very practical exercise will help in dealing with traumatic
situations and fighting discontentment and increase the chances of
leading a stress-free lifestyle.
- Be Kind—The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful:
Allah (swt)‘s beautiful qualities of being Especially merciful and
Entirely Merciful. We should try to adopt these qualities in our daily
lives and be merciful and kind to the people around us. Be kind to your
family, neighbors, and friends. Take a pot of chicken soup to someone
with a cold, or give a ride to someone to the mosque or the halaqas (study circles) today.
- Remember the Day of Judgment—Sovereign of the Day of Recompense: Tell yourself each day that thisdunya
(life, universe) is just “play and amusement” and very soon that day
will come when Allah (swt) will recompense us for each good and bad deed
done. This will insha’Allah assist us in balancing the dunya and the akhirah (Hereafter). Read Surah Mulk every night.
- Seek Only Allah (swt) for help—It is You we worship and You we ask for help: Remember Allah (swt) is only a du`a’ (supplication) away. The Prophet ﷺ
(peace be upon him) said: “Man should call upon Allah alone to provide
for all his needs, so much so that even if a shoe-lace is broken, he
should pray to Allah to provide a shoe-lace, and if he needs salt, he
should beseech Allah to send it to him.” [Tirmidhi] We know and accept
thatonly Allah (swt) can help us during our hardships. We increase our reliance on Allah (swt) and make du`a’ and practice patience.
- Follow the Sunnah—Guide us to the straight path: Yahiya ibn Mu‘âdh (rahimahu Allâh, may
God be pleased with him) said, “Renew your hearts with the remembrance
of Allâh because it rushes into forgetfulness.” We should try each day
to learn something new about the deen (religion). Learn a new sunnah (tradition) or Qur’anic ruling on some matter relating to your everyday life.
- Do
righteous deeds and seek the company of the righteous—The path of those
upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your]
anger or of those who are astray: Make an effort to do good deeds
and seek the company of those people who remember Allah (swt) when they
meet. Listen attentively to the jumu`ah khutbah (Friday sermon) and attend halaqas (study circles).
The good news is that Allah (swt) reminds us of these goals at least 17 times a day; in every fard salah (mandatory prayer).
Alhamdulillah (praise be to God) for that :)