بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Holy Qur’an says, “Then woe to those prayer performers. Who are heedless of their prayers (Part 30, Surah Ma-oon, verse 4-5)
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho
alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Hypocrites (munafiq) were very lazy
about their prayers. That is because they had apparently accepted Islam
but did not believe in Allah Ta’ala or the day of judgement in their
hearts. There was no importance given to prayer by them, if they prayed,
they prayed. If they missed it, it was no big deal to them. If they
prayed they were not expecting any reward for it. If they missed it
there was no fear of any reprisal or punishment. If they were amongst
people they would pray. If they were on their own they would not bother,
or would not pray it at the correct times. They would sit around
swapping stories, and when the time would almost be up, they would
stand, move up and down quickly a few times and claim that they had
prayed. They would not pray with the sincerity or humility that it
should be
prayed with. They would never truly busy themselves in worship
or the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees!
These are all forms of carelessness, and a true believer should save
himself from all of them.
The author of Rooh Ul Bayaan says that this verse refers to the
hypocrites that do not pray and the Muslims that are transgressors
In the verse Allah Ta’ala
says that there is a place called “Vail” for people that are careless
about their prayers. In the blessed Hadith it states that “Vail” is a
valley in hell. If all the mountains of the world were put in there,
they would all melt because of its intensity and heat. This valley is
for those that are lazy about their prayers and do not pray at the
correct times.
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Let us
make sincere repentance that we will not be lazy with our prayers in the
future and will pray with the congregations, Insha Allah. May Allah
Ta’ala guide us all to pray at the correct times. Aameen
Deeds that Take You to Hell
Allah Ta’ala says, “What thing took you into hellfire? They replied, We did not perform our prayers.” (Kanzul Iman)
The author of “Zia Ul Qur’an”, Allama Peer Karam Shah Azhari alaihir
rahmah explains that the people of paradise will ask the people of hell,
“What thing led you to be subjected to the severe punishment of hell?”
They will reply, “We had two faults which has led us to this punishment.
(One of the reasons is) We never used to prostrate before our Creator.
We were full of arrogance and never for a moment thought that we need to
bow down before the Lord that has given us so many blessings.”
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Have you seen the fate of
one that misses prayers? If we cannot find the time to bow before our
Merciful Creator who provides us sustenance, then this will be our fate
as well. If you want to save yourself from the punishment of hell then
ensure that you do not miss prayers. May Allah Ta’ala guide us all guide
us all to perform our prayers.
Place for Those that Miss Prayers
Allah Ta’ala states, “Then
after them came those degenerates who wasted prayer and followed their
lusts, then soon they will encounter a valley of the hell.” (Surah
Maryam, verse 59)
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! The
Prophet’s alaihimus salaam, were always aware of the Magnificence of
Allah Ta’ala and His anger and their eyes were always moist with tears.
However, many people came after the Prophet’s alaihimus salaam that
threw away the practices of the pious predecessors. Never mind desirable
or preferable acts; they threw away a great compulsory worship like
prayer (Namaz). Either they did not agree that it was a compulsory
worship, or they did not want to go through the trouble of fulfilling
it. Never mind fulfilling it, they did not even respect the orders and
commands of Allah Ta’ala but were too busy in fulfilling their desires.
They must remember that they will have to pay for their crime.
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Allah Ta’ala has mentioned three things in this verse.
1) They missed their prayers; By missing their prayers and by their
carelessness they became transgressors (fasiq). Or they prayed it
incorrectly or at the wrong time and became misguided. Or they prayed it
correctly, but because of backbiting, gossiping, jealousy, and envy,
their good deeds were wiped away. These are all different forms of
missing the prayer.
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mas’ood radiallaho ta’ala anhu says that missing
prayers does not only mean to completely miss the prayer, it means that
they delayed praying it, that is, prayed it late.
2) The second thing that is mentioned is that they began following their
desires. The biggest and worst desire is infidelity and polytheism.
(Kufr and Shirk)
3) The third thing that is mentioned is that they will be thrown into
“Ghay.” This is a lowly valley in hell and because of its punishment the
other parts of hell ask for safety from it. It has also been described
as a very deep well or a deep stream containing puss, urine and
excrement, in which the people of hell will be punished. Remember this
punishment is for the person that dies without asking for forgiveness.
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! How
awful a valley “Ghay” is? Can any of us withstand its punishment?
Definitely not. It is imperative that we do not give in to our desires
and stay away from the crime of missing prayers. May Allah Ta’ala guide
all Muslims to guard their prayers. Aameen
The First Accounting will be for Prayer
Hazrat Anas radiallaho ta’ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “The first thing that a person will be
questioned about is his prayers.” (Tibrani)
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees!
Allah Ta’ala gives us sustenance. He has given us life and has ordered
us to pray five times a day. How ungrateful is a person that eats the
sustenance that He has given us, takes advantage of the life that He has
given us, but does not bow down his head to Him? That is why we are
reminded that the first thing that we will be asked about on the day of
judgement is our prayers. Therefore we should be punctual in our prayers
so that we are not shamed on the day of judgement and we can be blessed
with respect in the court of Allah Ta’ala. May Allah Ta’ala make all
our accounting easy through the waseela of His Beloved Prophet sallalaho
alaihe wasallam. Aameen.
Hazrat Umar radiallaho ta’ala anho narrates that Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “Prayer is a pillar of faith. Whoever
abandons it has destroyed his faith.” (Baihiqi)
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! If a
child drops something expensive at home, we get angry and shout at
them. If a child or someone else breaks an expensive possession we lose
control. Please tell me, is there anything more valuable than our faith?
Today, all members of our household are destroying their faith five
times a day, but we don’t get upset at this because we are guilty of the
same crime.
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Rasool Allah sallalaho
alaihe wasallam has proclaimed that prayer is the pillar of our faith
and one who does not pray is called a destroyer of faith. No Muslim
would ever desire that he should be classified as the destroyer of
faith. Therefore try to be a builder of the faith by being punctual in
prayers. May Allah Ta’ala guide us all to establish prayer. Aameen.
Accounting with Fir’aun and Haamaan
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn E Umar radiallaho ta’ala anhuma narrates that
Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “The person that performs
his five daily prayers punctually and with complete purity will be
surrounded by light on the day of judgement. The person that abandons
and does not pray, his accounting will be with Fir’aun and Haamaan.”
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! This Hadith tells us that
we will be surrounded with light, from the grave to the bridge (Pul
Siraat). This bridge is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword and
we all have to cross over it. At that point our prayers will act like
light showing us the way. The prayers will testify in Allah Ta’ala’s
court about the sincerity, truthfulness and faith of one that prays
punctually. And Allah Ta’ala forbid, if a Muslim does not pray, his
accounting will be with those that are trapped in the punishment of
Allah Ta’ala. Their crime was that they did not bow down before Allah
Ta’ala because of pride and arrogance and claimed to be God themselves.
(Ma’azAllah). Now tell me, would any Muslin wish that his accounting is
done alongside such enemies of Allah Ta’ala as Fir’aun and Haamaan? If
not, then seeks Allah Ta’ala’s forgiveness today and promise that you
will not miss any more prayers. May Allah Ta’ala guide us all to protect
our prayers. Aameen.
Not the Responsibility of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam
Hazrat Umm E Aiman radiallaho ta’ala anha narrates that Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “I am not responsible for the person
that misses prayers intentionally.”
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Allah Ta’ala sent Rasool
Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam as the mercy to all the worlds. He came
as the helper to all, from animals and birds to plants and stones; all
are living with the assistance of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe
wasallam. The Beloved of Allah Ta’ala came to fulfil the requirements of
all, from the grave to the day of judgement we all need the lap and the
benevolence of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. Therefore it’s
essential that we save ourselves from any act that causes this
relationship to break. Who is there, other than the Mercy to the world’s
sallalaho alaihe wasallam who can save us from the troubles of the
hereafter? Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam says, “Whoever misses
prayers intentionally is not the responsibility of Muhammad” sallalaho
alaihe wasallam. Allah O Akbar! If Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe
wasallam takes away his hand of benevolence, who is there that will be
kind to us? Even Allah Ta’ala will not look at such a person with
kindness whom Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has shunned.
Do not miss prayers so that we can find shelter and comfort in the lap
of the Mercy of the world’s sallalaho alaihe wasallam and obtain success
in both worlds. May Allah Ta’ala keep the blessed shade of Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam above each of us forever. Aameen.
Deeds will be accursed
Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta’ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “The first thing that will be looked at
on the day of judgement will be a person’s prayers (namaz). If they are
complete his prayers and all deeds will be accepted. If his prayers are
incomplete, then his prayers and all deeds will be thrown out.”
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! We
can see the importance of prayer from the Hadith above. Our state today
is that we show a lot of eagerness for voluntary deeds (Nafil), but are
very lazy when it comes to Namaz or other compulsory acts. Sometimes we
pray late, sometimes we pray as though we are not interested, looking
around during prayer. Sometimes praying so quickly that may Allah
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Remember that the first
thing asked about will be prayers on the day of judgement. Only if that
is complete will Allah Ta’ala accept our other deeds. We should perform
our prayers properly so that on the day of judgement Allah Ta’ala
accepts our all our other deeds with it. May Allah Ta’ala guide us to
perform our prayers correctly. Aameen.
Missing Prayers Close to Infidelity (Kufr)
Hazrat Buraidah radiallaho ta’ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “The difference between us and them (the
hypocrites) is prayer. He who intentionally misses prayers is a non
believer.” (Tirmizi)
A similar Hadith is narrated by Hazrat Abu Darda radiallaho ta’ala
anhu that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “Whoever misses
prayers intentionally has committed infidelity.”
The words in the Hadith are “Faqad Kafar” which have been explained
as meaning “going close to infidelity.” He has forsaken prayer even
though prayer is a pillar of faith and a foundation of belief. “Faqad
Kafar” means that he has committed an act of infidelity because infidels
also do not pray. It is reported in a Hadith that, “The difference
between a believer and a non-believer is prayer. When someone misses
prayers he committed actions like the non believers.” (Al Hadith)
It is reported by Tirmizi and others that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe
wasallam said, “The difference between us and them is prayer. The one
that misses prayers has done the same work as infidels.” (Al Hadith)
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! If we have wealth, we take
no chances in guarding it. We worry about where to keep it, how to keep
it safe, how to increase it. We are forever worried about it. But we do
not worry about our faith at all. Remember! No wealth is greater than
the wealth of faith. There are numerous verses in the Qur’an and many
Ahadith about safeguarding our faith. The Hadith above tells us that the
person that intentionally misses prayer is close to infidelity, in
other words, his faith is at risk. He has taken himself close to
infidelity because of missing prayers; there is a danger that he will
lose his faith too. Therefore, it is better if we safeguard our prayers
and pray them punctually so that we can protect our faith. May Allah
Ta’ala give us all death with faith. Aameen.
Result of Missing Prayers
One day Rasool Allah
sallalaho alaihe wasallam was talking about prayers and said, “Whoever
performs these prayers punctually, they will be light for him on the day
of judgement and will lead to his forgiveness. The person that does not
pray will not have any light and will not be forgiven. He will be with
Qaroon, Fir’aun, Haamaan and Ubai Bin Khalaf on the day of judgement.”
(Masnad Tibraani)
Some scholars have explained why they will be raised with those people.
If a person misses prayer because of wealth and possessions, he is
similar to Qaroon, and will be raised with him. If it’s missed because
of business of the country or administration, that is the same as
Fir’aun, and will be raised with him. If prayer is missed because of
government business, that is similar to Haamaan and such a person will
be raised with him. If a person misses prayer because of business, that
is similar to Ubai Bin Khalaf and such a person will be raised with him.
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! We are so busy in
business, so proud of our accomplishments, and so busy in pleasing those
in power that we forget about prayer. Beware! Do not become so
engrossed in business that you don’t have time to prostrate to Allah
Ta’ala. Otherwise is has been said that you will be with those people on
the day of judgement who are disliked by Allah Ta’ala, and towards whom
Allah Ta’ala will look at with anger. They are so disgraced that their
names and their deeds will be cursed until the day of judgement and the
bondmen of Allah Ta’ala and the slaves of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe
wasallam seek refuge from them and their actions. These are the people
that were mentioned by Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam in the
above Hadith and as soon as one hears their names there is a sense of
hatred that comes over us. No lover of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe
wasallam would want to be associated with such people; therefore we
should all become punctual in our prayers, so that our judgement will be
with pious people on the day of judgement. May He save us from being
associated with the enemies of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam.
Unfortunate and Deprived
Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, “The person that is lazy or
does not join in the congregational prayer will be punished with 12
calamities by Allah Ta’ala. Three in this world, three at the time of
death, three calamities in the grave and three on the day of judgement.
The first calamity of this world is that his earnings will have no
blessings. Secondly, The light (Noor) of the pious will leave him and
thirdly, hatred for him will be put in the hearts of all believers.
The three misfortunes at the time of death are; He will die thirsty. If
he is given all the water in the sea he will still be thirsty. The
second calamity at the time of death is that he end will be very painful
and severe. There is risk to his faith at the time of death. In the
grave the first calamity is that the questions of the angels will be
very strict on him. The darkness of the grave will be very intense. The
third misfortune of the grave is that his grave will become so narrow
that his ribs will be crushed. The three misfortunes on the day of
judgement are; Firstly, his accounting will be very severe. He will be
subjected to the Wrath of Allah Ta’ala and thirdly, he will be punished
with fire by Allah Ta’ala.”
My Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees!
Muslims are caught in many of the calamities that were mentioned above
for those that miss prayers. The reason is that the congregational
prayers are missed. If these are the punishments for those that do not
pray with congregation, what will be the punishment for one that does
not pray at all? The Beloved Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam has
blessed us so much that he has given us the reasons for all our
difficulties and has given us the solutions to all problems. Now it is
our responsibility that we correct ourselves and be punctual in prayers
and in congregational prayers, Insha Allah! Allah Ta’ala will remove all
our difficulties.
In another Hadith it is reported that, Hazrat Jibraael and Hazrat
Mikaael alaihis salaam state that Allah Ta’ala says that the person that
misses prayers is accursed in the Taurah, Zaboor, Injeel and the
Allah O Akbar! Accursed
here means that he is far from the Mercy of Allah Ta’ala. Who would go
close to the person that is far away from the Mercy of Allah Ta’ala? And
who will give him refuge? Therefore, be punctual in prayers and do not
miss them in the future. May Allah Ta’ala make it easy for us to achieve
this. Aameen.
Valley of Hell for Those that Miss Prayers
It is reported in Hadith that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam
said, “The faces of those that do not pray will be blackened first of
all on the day of judgement, then he will be put in a valley of Hell
called Alam. There are snakes in this valley that are as large as camels
and their length is the equivalent of one month’s travel time. They
will bite the people and their poison will stay in the person’s body for
seventy years, then their meat will rot”. (Makashifat Ul Quloob)
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! We are not able to
withstand a little mosquito bite and are troubled by its pain.
Therefore, think that for missing prayers the punishment is snakebites.
Who will be able to withstand that? Our state is that we believe in
Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam but do not have total faith in
what he has said. Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam has done great
favours to us by telling us every aspect of the day of judgement and the
punishments in the life hereafter.
Now that he has told us that the punishment for missing prayers is being
stung by a snake, and has told us the size and appearance of the snake,
it is our duty to perform prayers and save ourselves from such a
punishment. May Allah Ta’ala make us all punctual performers of prayer.
Flames in the Grave
Certain scholars have narrated that a person’s bag accidentally fell
into his sister’s grave as he was burying his sister. When everyone had
left he remembered his bag. He returned to the grave and started digging
it to rescue his bag. He saw that there were flames burning in the
grave. He covered the grave again and returned to his mother very upset
and with tears in his eyes. He asked, “Mother! Tell me what my sister’s
habits were?” The Mother said, “Why are you asking?” He replied, “I have
seen flames in her grave.” His Mother started crying and said, “Your
sister was very lazy with her prayers and used to pray the prayers
late.” (Makshifat Ul Quloob)
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Laziness in praying will
result in flames in the grave as punishment. No relative will come into
the grave to help us, therefore it is up to us to ensure that we pray on
time and do not be lethargic about it. We should pray on time and pray
with sincerity and presence of mind and body. May Allah Ta’ala save us
all from the punishment of the grave and make our grave a garden from
the gardens of paradise. Aameen.
At the Door of Hell
Hazrat Abul Lais Sarqandi rehmatullahe ta’ala alaihe has narrated the
following saying of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. “The person
that misses even one compulsory prayer, his name is written on the door
of hell, and he will certainly have to go there.” (Qurrat Ul Ain)
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Even thinking about it
makes the hair on the back of the neck stand up, that a slave of Rasool
Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam will be in the fire of hell. Allah o
Akbar! Missing prayer is such a great sin and leads to such displeasure
of Allah Ta’ala that one is subjected to all kinds of different
punishments, and one of these punishments is the punishment of the
grave. We know that we cannot cope with the smallest punishment, so why
then do we continue doing things that will result in greater and more
severe punishment? Let us promise that Allah Ta’ala willing, we will not
commit the sin of missing prayers from now on, and that we will be
punctual in our prayers and give coolness to the blessed eyes of Rasool
Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. May Allah Ta’ala guide us all. Aameen
Order to Cut off all the Hair
The father of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, Abdul Aziz, was the
governor of Egypt. He gave his son under the guardianship of Hazrat
Saalih Bin Kisaan radiallaho ta’ala anhu to obtain superior education in
Madinah. One time Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz was late for prayers and
was asked by his teacher the reason for being late. He replied that he
was combing and arranging his hair and that caused him to be late. The
teacher said, “You gave more importance to your hair than the time for
prayer?” The teacher wrote about this incident to his father, who
immediately sent a person from Egypt to Madinah. As soon as this person
arrived in Madinah the first thing he did was cut off all the hair of
Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz radiallaho ta’ala anhu because that was the
order of his father.
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! It’s amazing how much
passion the friend’s of Allah Ta’ala had, that they could not withstand
even delaying prayer a little bit. The thing that was the cause of the
delay was removed immediately. We can see their enthusiasm for prayer
and their enthusiasm in relation to their children’s upbringing. Do we
have this kind of enthusiasm? Our situation is that whether it’s resting
or swapping tales, or getting ready, the time for prayer passes and we
don’t care. We should take a lesson from this incident that we should
attempt to follow in the footsteps of our pious predecessors. We should
also worry about the prayers of our children and we should guide them
and watch over them. May Allah Ta’ala protect us all from laziness in
respect of prayer. Aameen
Shaitaan Runs Far Away
One person was walking through the jungle and shaitaan joined him.
Therefore the person did not pray any of the five prayers. When he was
getting ready to sleep, shaitaan said to him, “I want to leave you and
go far away.” He asked about the reason for this. Shaitaan replied, “The
reason is that I refused to do one prostration (Sajdah) and that was in
front of Hazrat Adam alaihis salaam. You have failed to do many
prostration’s in front of Allah Ta’ala today. I am afraid because my one
refusal caused me to be punished with curses and that your refusal to
do so many prostrations will result in a great punishment from Allah
Ta’ala in which I will perish as well. (Makashifat Ul Quloob)
My Beloved Prophet
sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! A rejected one like
shaitaan, who wears the curse of Allah Ta’ala, does not wish to be near a
person that misses prayers.
Just think how bad a person is that does not perform prayers, that an
accursed one like shaitaan runs away from him. Therefore, My Beloved
Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam’s beloved devotees! Create a yearning
to prostrate and do not be miserly in respect of prayers, otherwise
Allah Ta’ala will entrap us in the difficulties of both worlds, and no
one will be able to save us. May Allah Ta’ala look at all with
Benevolence and sincerely enable us to respect the rights of prayer.
Worse Than An Adulterer
A lady of Bani Israel came
to Hazrat Musa alaihis salaam and said, “O Prophet of Allah! I have
committed a grave sin, and I have asked for forgiveness as well. Please
ask Allah Ta’ala to forgive me.” Hazrat Musa alaihis salaam asked, “What
crime have you committed?” She said, “I committed adultery and a child
was born from it. I killed the child.” Upon hearing this Hazrat Musa
alaihis salaam said, “O wretched one, get out. Your evil may cause it to
rain fire and burn all of us.” She became very disheartened and left.
Then Hazrat Jibraeel alaihis salaam came and said, “O Musa alaihis
salaam, Allah Ta’ala states that why did you turn away one that has
repented? Have you not seen anyone commit a worse sin than this?” Hazrat
Musa alaihis salaam asked, “Who can be worse than this woman?” Hazrat
Jibraeel alaihis salaam replied, “The one that intentionally misses
prayers is worse than this woman.” (Mukashifat Ul Quloob)
Author: Ajnas Aboobacker
Ajnas Aboobacker is the founder of The Way To Akhirah which spread the way of life (Islam). Join us to complete our Dawah throughout the world. Jazakallah khair
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